Baale Mane Life
The philosophy of Baale Mane is to provide a loving home for girls who do not have parents who are able to care for them. Girls come to us from age 8 and are either orphans, victims of neglect or abuse or from backgrounds of destitution. For girls who have families, appropriate contact is maintained throughout their time at Baale.
Day to Day Life
The girls all have a busy schedule at Baale Mane. They all attend school in the surrounding area in either Kannada or English medium throughout the day. After school, the girls hold meetings in small teams, with the eldest leading group sessions each evening. This forum is a good way to discuss their day and identify any help they may need.
Cultural activities and creativity are encouraged.
We have an established framework, built around the four principles of the UN Charter on Child Rights: the right to Survival, Protection, Development and Participation. This establishes what we offer each girl and what we expect in return. Good behaviour is rewarded and the consequences for bad behaviour are also understood.
Through the resources we provide for the girls and the behaviour we expect from them, we hope to instill in each girl the following values and outcomes:
A childhood in a comfortable and safe home
Healthy bodies and diets
Awareness about safety and ability to protect themselves
Knowledge of the importance of health and hygiene
Ability to travel safely
Academic skills and qualifications
Knowledge of their chosen career path
Holistic mindset and creative thinking
Life skills including soft skills, sexual health and job readiness
Confidence to lead a self sustaining adult life
Excerpt from the framework shared with all girls
Each day begins with Yoga which all girls are encouraged to attend.